Write a shopping list for your character. What kind of things would they shop for on a weekly basis?

If you want to do more, you can do this for each of the characters that feature in your story or that you have created. Continue on to describe the scene in which the shopping list is being created.

You can make lists for contrasting characters. Imagine both Trump and Obama making a shopping list for the coming week! Or go extreme and write a list for a lady who is obsessed with beauty products or a person who is going away to live off grid in the mountains intending to never coming back! You can make it tragic. Image a character who goes out shopping with his very last 20 dollar.

If you don’t have a story or a character yet, but just want to train your imagination you can also pick historical figures or famous people.

We came across this list of the top 30 overall most significant historical figures that you can pick from.

1 Jesus

2 Napoleon

3 Muhammad

4 William Shakespeare

5 Abraham Lincoln

6 George Washington

7 Adolf Hitler

8 Aristotle

9 Alexander the Great

10 Thomas Jefferson

11 Henry VIII

12 Charles Darwin

13 Elizabeth I

14 Karl Marx

15 Julius Caesar

16 Queen Victoria

17 Martin Luther

18 Joseph Stalin

19 Albert Einstein

20 Christopher Columbus

21 Isaac Newton

22 Charlemagne

23 Theodore Roosevelt

24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

25 Plato

26 Louis XIV

27 Ludwig van Beethoven

28 Ulysses S Grant

29 Leonardo da Vinci

30 Augustus

…and this list of most important impressionist artists

Vincent van Gogh 

Pablo Picasso 

Claude Monet

4 Henri Matisse 

Paul Cézanne 

Edgar Degas

7 Andy Warhol 

8 Paul Gauguin 

9 Pierre-Auguste Renoir 

10 Auguste Rodin 

11 Wassily Kandinsky 

12 Edouard Manet

13 Camille Pissarro 

14 Diego Rivera 

15 Edvard Munch 

16 James McNeill Whistler

17 Jackson Pollock 

18 Salvador Dalí 

19 Piet Mondrian 

20 Georgia O’Keeffe

Of course, you are free to make your own lists! If you are writing with children, it might be fun have them make a list of 20 comic book characters first and I bet they will have a list of 30 Pokémon ready in a couple of minutes.


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