Write A Bad Book

365 writing exercises to keep you writing all year

Write a Bad Book is a website on which we post one writing exercise every day until there is one for every day of the year!

The title Write a Bad Book comes from a story about Isabel Allende who gave her students in a writing masterclass the assignment to write a bad book. 


If you set out to write a great book, you will judge yourself to quickly and too harshly. To write anything, you just must start with writing. As often as you can. The more you write the better you will get. 

Don’t start by trying to write something good and block the flow, just enjoy writing and you will get better!

Start Writing!

Absolute Beginners

If you have never written anything before, it can be hard to decide how to start. You might find yourself staring at a blank sheet of paper and suddenly your mind goes blank too. Many of us have told ourselves that we do not have any creative capabilities at all, but yet the desire to express yourself doesn’t go away.

Use the exercises from Write A Bad Book to get the creative juices flowing and before you know it you are writing your first short story, poem or blog. 


Stuck or Trying to get Better

Even the most seasoned creatives get stuck sometimes. Are you suffering from writers block or temporary lost touch with your creative mind? Our writing exercises will help you get back on track.

Use our writing prompts and exercises to grease up those rusty writing habits or learn how to bring your writing to the next level.

Just playing with words for fun will lighten your anxiety about writing. B

If you are already working on a book or a story, you can adapt the writing exercises and prompts to fit your project.

teachers & Coaches

Use the writing exercises from Write A Bad Book for your creative writing classes, to make your language courses more exciting or help people with scripting and journaling.

It will safe you a huge amount of time preparing your classes or sessions. Of course all writing exercises can be adapted to your specific needs and audience.