It can be daunting to start writing. The first thing you must do is let go of the idea that you have to write beautifully. Somehow you have to connect to that crazy brain filled with stories, images, characters, and atmospheres. You will have to learn to tune in to your creativity and let it flow.

If you have never written freely before or haven’t done so in a long time start by setting a timer for ten minutes. Pick up your favourite pen and a fresh notebook that you gifted yourself for the mere courage of deciding to start or open a new document on your computer or a note on your phone.

What you write with does not matter. Whatever you feel most comfortable with.

Make sure you won’t be disturbed.

When you hit start on your timer, you will just write every word that comes into your brain and don’t stop writing until the alarm goes off. Just write words. If they enter your brain as a sentence, write it down, if you hear the same word twenty times just write it down. If you have a whole story to tell, go for it! If it’s a big mumbo jumbo of random scribbles with no end and no beginning, good for you!

Write until your hand cramps. It might be difficult, but just keep going. Just write difficult. If your head seems blank, just write blank until something else comes in again.

You will be surprised about where that wild journey took you. Maybe you used words that you didn’t even know were in your vocabulary. Perhaps you thought of people that you had long forgotten. Maybe you think what you have written is useless, but you started writing and sometimes just starting is the best thing you can do!

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