Writing Exercises

Focus on the events or decisions that led to the dystopian future. Write a short story or a series of scenes that depict the critical turning point.

Choose a character living in a dystopian society and write a diary entry from their perspective. This could be someone who has just discovered a hidden truth about the society or someone who has decided to resist the oppressive regime.

Imagine a society where one aspect of modern life has been taken to an extreme, leading to a dystopian world. It could be surveillance, technology, social media, environmental issues, or anything else.

Think about specific moments in your life that are like snapshots in time – vivid and memorable. These could be moments of joy, sorrow, love, or personal triumph.

Imagine writing a letter to your younger self at a crucial point in your life. It could be during a challenging time, a turning point, or a moment of great joy.

Many people would love to write their memoirs or use segments or events from their own life to fuel their fiction writing. Using your own memories will give you a world of material to use during your creative process.

Write a dialogue between two people. One is trying to tell the other something important while a third character (off screen maybe or outside) interrupts them up to four times with the sentence: Hurry up! We are going to be late!

The bad guy is trying to figure out if there are children hiding in the house. The owner of the house knows where they are and so does the reader but is trying to convince the bad guy that he knows nothing.

Three friends are in the room. Two of them are having a conversation about the third. The third person can hear them but does not take part in the conversation.