Pick a book from your shelf. Go to page eight and then to line eight. Copy the sentence that starts on that line to the top of your page and use that as the first line of your story.

Now if we say your story, it doesn’t mean that you must write a full story with a beginning, middle and end. Just see what this sentence brings up in your mind and write as much as there is to write about it. 

Of course, you can play this game over and over again. Or change the numbers to 24 of 24 or the number of the month and the day or roll some dice. It is just another fun excuse to get you writing!

Especially when you are working with groups you can make this exercise more interactive and fun by using big soft dice or make them throw balls in buckets with numbers to pick their page and line. Let them read the line out loud so everyone’s mind start exploding with ideas and can’t wait to hear what the writer came up with and how different it is from their own first idea.

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